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Carp'in On!

Fly Fishing for Carp is the New Black!

I'm always carp'in on about how far fly fishing has come in the last few years.

It wasn't many years ago that I was still be charged £50+ to fish for farmed and stocked trout that you had to kill (Syon Park still being one of those such London waters) .

What always annoyed me was the fact that if you were even a modest fisherman you could end up having to leave the water as soon as you caught your rod limit. (normally 4 fish) which could be as early as 10am. Well, That to me's not fishing and those who make these stupid rules are now paying the price. Here's why...

Do you want to catch loads of hard fighting big fish?

Do you want to practice catch and release?

Want to catch more fish than any fishermen around the lake?

Do you want your arms to ache at the end of a fly fishing session?

Do you want to fish almost anywhere and pay the cheapest rates going?

Then we have the answer for you....... FLY FISHING FOR COARSE FISH.

Fly fishing for species such as Pike, Perch Chub, Carp, Roach and Dace,

Somewhere, somehow, someone seemed to have forgotten that fly fishing is also a great technique for all fish species not just for the typical game fish such as Salmon, Trout and Grayling.

Fly fishing has always been slightly elitist. It was practised by the rich used to catch the most desired of fish on the most expensive estates. As times changed it took a long time for the cost of fly fishing to come down. But now, many a fly fisherman is turning his knowledge and river craft to better effect by targeting all manor of coarse fish with is flies and tied bugs.

The best of all Coarse fish to catch on a fly rods in undisputedly the the king of all UK species, The humble Carp. Mirror, Commom, Grass, Ghost, Linier, You name it, all carp species are catchable on a fly rod.

Day tickets for most carp fisheries are about £10 per day. There is no rod limits and you have to return all fish alive. There's normally a good head of stocked fish that will with out doubt eat anything you can put in their way. Our technique is also proven to out fish all other carp fishing methods 8/10.

Book a session for just £175 for 8 hours and start taking advantage of the best sport available on a fly rod in the UK. You'll never look back.

We have sessions available up untill end of October.

We're so confindent we even offer a "NO FISH NO FEE" guarentee

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